A triumph.

Sydney Morning Herald

First Class.

Sydney Arts Guide

Powerhouse performance

The Melbourne Age

Vika Bull nails it! To the floor…to the ceiling…through the crowd…into the heart and soul of the entire audience.

Australian Stage

As Vika sang ‘At Last’ it resonated through the theatre with such intensity that it brought the 800-strong audience to their feet in thunderous applause and deserved appreciation.

Aussie Theatre

I can’t recommend ‘At Last - The Etta James Story’ highly enough. Vika Bull is an amazing talent who deserves global recognition, which she could well achieve in the not-too-distant future when this show is taken overseas. On the night that I attended she received two thunderous standing ovations.

Sydney Chic

At Last – The Etta James Story is a triumph for Vika Bull as a consummate performer, and equally as satisfying in musical terms as that other big musical tale, Jersey Boys.

The West Australian